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The DS106 Good Spell Episode 2

106 Bullets Episode 2 The DS106 Good Spell is a podcast about DS106. It is based on the blog post DS106 in 106 posts and 106 bullets published at 1:06 on Mariana Funes blog DS106 on the couch (Mariana is a psychologist). It will attempt to tease out the 106 bullets points of that post, discussing the learning, community and … Continue reading “The DS106 Good Spell Episode 2”

The DS106 Good Spell Episode 1

106 Bullets Episode 1 The DS106 Good Spell is a podcast about DS106. It is based on the blog post DS106 in 106 posts and 106 bullets published at 1:06 on Mariana Funes blog DS106 on the couch (Mariana is a psychologist). It will attempt to tease out the 106 bullets points of that post, discussing the learning, community and … Continue reading “The DS106 Good Spell Episode 1”

The DS106 Good Spell Episode 0

106 Bullets Episode 0 The DS106 Good Spell is a podcast about DS106. It is based on the blog post DS106 in 106 posts and 106 bullets published at 1:06 on Mariana Funes blog DS106 on the couch (Mariana is a psychologist). It will attempt to tease out the 106 bullets points of that post, … Continue reading “The DS106 Good Spell Episode 0”

#Ds106 GoodSpell Final Season ep 8 Letting go Bullet 107! The End!

106 Bullets Episode 107 Therein lies point 107 for your list: letting go. ds106 means letting it all happen with whomever wants to make it their own for whatever reason. For it to be truly great, it must contain multitudes and serve the one-off assignment, the community, as well as the random search on Google … Continue reading “#Ds106 GoodSpell Final Season ep 8 Letting go Bullet 107! The End!”

#Ds106 GoodSpell Final Season ep 4 The Island of lost tools

Ep 4 The Island of lost tools bullet 99: Don’t learn a tool, learn how to use tools over and over and over and don’t get attached to them. The DS106 Good Spell is a podcast about the open online course on digital storytelling, DS106. Some background to this series on The DS106 Good Spell Episode 0 The show … Continue reading “#Ds106 GoodSpell Final Season ep 4 The Island of lost tools”